Recruiting Seminar
Admirals Select Recruiting Advisement Seminar
The recruiting night is designed for players and parents to learn about the college recruiting process. Led by St. Marys College men’s lacrosse coach Jason Childs, recruiting night provides a unique opportity for parents and players to learn about college recruiting. At first glance this may just be for a high school junior or senior, but there are many things to be learned for students in 8th grade to Seniors in high school. There will be a very quick formal presentation on the do’s and don’t of college recruiting, but a large protion of this session will be Q&A.
8th Grade – Learn which classes to take in high school, which grades matter, should you take honors classes, ect…Never too early to learn and apply the process of recruiting.
9th Grade – What should you do at the very early stages of recruiting and how do you navigate the very shallow waters of recruiting.
10th Grade – As you progress this is a very important time of the recruiting process and it is very important to know who, what, where and when you should be doing certain things. Learn how to make the perfect high light video.
11th Grade – This is the prime time for your recruiting process. You will learn where you should be in the process when you are an 11th grader.
12th Grade – Is it too late? Not at all and learn why at the recruiting night.
As you can see there is plenty to learn about recruiting by attending this night. From 8th grade to 12th grade the process can be all consuming and very overwhelming. Come be a part of the college recruiting night so that you can learn how to control the process.
Our intent with the Admirals Select Recruiting Advisement Seminar program is to have players from southern Maryland lacrosse programs go on to play college lacrosse at the NCAA level. This program is a very unique opportunity, something that has never been offered before by any club lacrosse program in St. Mary’s County.
Boys Grades 8-12
Date: Tuesday 1/15
Time: 5:30pm – 7:00pm
Location: St. Mary’s College of Maryland Campus Center, Cole Cinema.
Fee: $50 (free for Fall 2018 Admirals)
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